Introduction to Python – Dictionary
Dictionary is a collection of related data item pairs.
A python dictionary is a collection of unordered items which are changeable and indexed. In Python dictionaries are written using curly brackets, and they have keys and values.
Important properties of Python - Dictionary
Un-ordered – Elements/items stored in a python dictionary are not kept in any particular order.
Changeable (mutable) – Structure and elements can be changed in place; elements can be added and removed.
Accessed by keys – Dictionary items are accessed by the keys, not by their position number (index).
Nesting Properties - Dictionaries can be nested, i.e. a dictionary can contain another dictionary in it.
Create a Python Dictionary
The dictionaries are created using curly brackets. Curly brackets contains pairs of key-value.
>>> dist1 = {"brand":"Maruti", "model":"Desire", "year":2019}
>>> print(dist1)
{'brand': 'Maruti', 'model': 'Desire', 'year': 2019}
Accessing elements of a Python Dictionary
Following syntax can be used to access the individual elements of the python dictionary.
>>> print(dist1['brand'])
>>> print(dist1['model'])
>>> print(dist1['year'])
Following functions can be used to display all keys and values of the python dictionary.
>>> dist1.keys()
dict_keys(['brand', 'Model', 'Year'])
>>> dist1.values()
dict_values(['Maruti', 'Desire', 2019])